Super Vote v1.07 - PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] v2.00 Program v1.07: Sun 04-17-1994 at 10:15:17 pm (File Size: 34,470 bytes) - Added. arrow key control. Now instead of pressing the letter of the option to edit, simply use the arrow keys to scroll to which field you wish to configure. - Optimized. the SETUP.EXE program. The executable program is now about 17k smaller than before. :-) - Added. fields to the SETUP.EXE program. This will also allow me to format the fields little better. - Removed. the configuration for the CHKVOTE.TXT file in the SETUP.EXE program temporarily. I didn't like the way it was setup. I would like to get fields in the SETUP.EXE program first before I continue with this command. Simple edit CHKVOTE.TXT for now. v1.06: Fri 04-08-1994 at 8:33:40 pm (File Size: 34,470 bytes) - Added. to the booth listings. The program will now display an asterisks (*) in front of any of the booths the user has already voted on. This is something I should have put in a long time ago. - Fixed. listing on the Result Option display in the Edit Booth (this stuff is complicated to explain), it will list the booth options so you know what to choose from. :-) - Added. an saving choice when you exit the text file CHKVOTE.TXT config area, it will prompt if you want to save the changes or not. - Fixed. the text file CHKVOTE.TXT configuration area, made it more user friendly. - Optimized. the SETUP.EXE program, it is now takes a little less hard drive space. - Added. an option in the SETUP.EXE program that will allow you to configure the CHKVOTE.TXT file online. Also allowing you to view the colors from DOS. It will re-display the colors from the entered PCBoard color codes. - Fixed. the version number. One of the strangest mistakes I have ever done, forgot the change the version number. :-) The documentation and everything else was altered, but yet the program was re-compiled with the new version number. v1.05: Tue 04-05-1994 at 8:11:55 pm (File Size: 34,272 bytes) - Added. the CHKVOTE.PPE program to the archives. Finally had a chance to finish programming it. Read the documentation to find out what exactly this program does. - Added. an option in the editing section that will add votes to a specified option. - Fixed. a problem caused when deleting options from a booth. If you would delete an option, the options above that option would slide down to take the place of the deleted option. If any user voted on an option above the deleted option, they would be one off when the delete option was deleted. This is really hard to explain, but it is now fixed. So when you delete an option, all options above the deleted option are decremented by one to make the votes the same. :-) v1.04: Mon 04-04-1994 at 10:13:08 pm (File Size: 33,641 bytes) - Fixed. a problem with the deleting option command. It would sometimes delete ALL of the options instead of the specified one, if you had over 99 options. - Added. an option in the editing section that will display which option a specified user has selected in the current booth. - Optimized. the VOTE.PPE code a little. Program is now a little smaller than it was before. - Added. an option in the editing section that will scan on a specified option and will display which users have voted on that specified option. v1.03: Sun 04-03-1994 at 9:53:02 pm (File Size: 32,509 bytes) - Added. an option in the editing section that will edit booth options in the currently selected booth. - Added. an option in the editing section that will add booth options to the selected booth. This will not read the MAX option from the config file, it is assumed that the EDIT booth command is being used by the system operator...and not by the users. - Added. an option in the editing section that will delete booth options that you select in that current booth. - Added. an option in the editing section that will list the options of the current booth. (Just the start) - Fixed. the hot key selections. If you were to high like Results of a Specified booth option...and you were to press V for Vote on a Select Booth, it would execute the Results command instead! That's fixed! v1.02: Fri 04-01-1994 at 10:49:59 pm (File Size: 28,967 bytes) - Added. a better display in the SETUP.EXE program. - Optimized. the SETUP.EXE program. Program is now 10 bytes less. - Added. a /S option for the SETUP.EXE program. This will turn off the BEEP sounds in the program when used. - Updated. the SETUP.EXE program to allow editing for the maximum booth config option. - Added. a config option for setting the maximum number of voting booths. v1.01: Thu 03-31-1994 at 4:35:15 pm (File Size: 28,478 bytes) - Updated. documentation. I didn't really explain what things are crippled in the UNREGISTERED version. Not that many things. - Fixed. the booth listing routine. It wasn't recognizing if there are 0 booths. It use to, but that was before I added multiple screen display with the booth listings. Problem is fixed now. - Fixed. the SETUP.EXE program. Sometimes a RUN TIME error would occur if the data path was already created. The RUN TIME error had no affect on the program or the data files, but it is fixed now. - Fixed. the SETUP.EXE program. When I did some of that optimizing, I accidentally altered when the program read the configuration file. This would make the option unchangable. - Bugs were found in the final release. :( Released it too soon. - Super Vote v1.00 Released to the Public Beta: Tue 03-29-1994 at 6:44:13 pm (File Size: 28,393 bytes) - Fixed. some of the internal documentation in SETUP.EXE and made things a little bit less confusing. - Added. the maximum number of options config option to the SETUP.EXE program. - Added. a config option to adjust the maximum number of options. - Added. the minimum number of options config option to the SETUP.EXE program. - Added. a config option to adjust the minimum number of options a booth can have. If you are giving your users access to the Add a booth command, this will prevent the users from creating single option voting booths. Beta: Sun 03-27-1994 at 10:17:35 pm (File Size: 28,132 bytes) - Added. better internal documentation to some of the prompts. For example, prompts will say (Y)es or (N)o so the user has a better idea what to press. - Added. minimum option detection. If a user or sysop enters only one option when adding a new booth, it will prompt again for a response thus preventing those single option votes. - Fixed. the 'Not Yet Voted' error display. It would show N/A before it gave the error. That was previously used to show the amount of options that were available (not available), but I removed that display all together and that N/A was no longer required. - Fixed. spelling errors in the documentation. - Documented. the program. Finally had a chance to type all of the important stuff out. :-) - Optimized. the external un voted booth checking utility. It is now 2 bytes smaller than it was! <- Sarcastic excitement. :-) - Fixed. the external un voted checking utility. It appears that it wasn't reading the data files correctly, and would always tell the user that he or she hasn't voted on any of the booths. - Added. another external utility that will check for un voted booths at logon. It will check to see if the user hasn't voted on any booths and will notify user how many are un voted. - Fixed. the RIP graphics display. I finally had a chance to call remotely and test it. It appears that you need to give an extra line feed from the main menu in order for Ripterm to recognize the screen clear. It was writing over the main menu when the voting program was executed. - Optimized. the booth deleting section of code. Program is not that much less (including all of the previous improvements and additions) in size but when you delete a booth, it works much faster. - Fixed. multiple screen display AGAIN. It appears when I fixed the last problem, it caused an off-by-one loop error. There was one too many iterations. - Fixed. multiple screen display. If a the screen was just about to clear for the next screen full of booths, and there weren't any more booths, the program would just display an empty screen with a high light bar. - Added. multiple screen support in select booths. - Added. multiple screen support for listing booths. Figured that if this program supports unlimited number of booths, I suppose a multiple screen display would be required. :-) - Fixed. the RIP graphics display for the main menu. Once again preventing the RIP garbage on the local end of the BBS. - Added. simple RIP graphics to main menu and all other command screens. Improved RIP graphics will be out in later versions. - Fixed. the RIP graphics display so that ANSI is displayed local and the RIP emulation code is sent to the modem buffer only. This will prevent you from seeing all of that RIP garbage. - Added. a RIP graphics title screen. Beta: Sat 03-26-1994 at 7:21:09 pm (File Size: 24,680 bytes) - Optimized. the setup program (SETUP.EXE) which is now 10k less. - Fixed. the setup program (SETUP.EXE), made it more user friendly. - Added. a configuration program (SETUP.EXE) that will allow the sysop to edit and change the configuration settings in VOTE.CFG. - Added. specification of ALL commands in the configuration file. - Added. specification of the Sysop edit security level in the configuration file. - Fixed. display when you delete a booth. It would show high ASCII chars instead of the colors I specified. - Added. progress display when you delete booths. - Changed. default logging to OFF, the /LOG must be used for logging, NO logging will be done without this command line parameter. - Added. the /LOG command line option to toggle logging ON or OFF. - Removed. un-needed information from caller logging. Got a little carried away and start putting dates in there. :-) - Added. caller logging. You can now keep track of what the users does in the voting program. - Fixed. security for Adding, Deleting, and Editing booths. Commands would be protected with the high-light procedure but not with regular prompting. - Removed. screen clearing from notifier so that the user has a better idea what the warning display is referring to. - Added. program will not inform the user that there are no booth available when there aren't any data files instead of just giving a blank screen with a menu bar. - Fixed. screen clearing. Program would display a blank screen if max number of options were shown. - Fixed. voting option display. It wasn't displaying the next screen full of pages correctly and would skip too many lines while showing the next page of options. Beta: Fri 03-25-1994 at 10:42:16 am (File Size: 21,759 bytes) - First copy of Program was Created. Super Vote v1.00á - PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] v2.00 Program